Director Lauren Guy joins Resolution’s Dispute Resolution Committee
13 August 2021

We are delighted to announce that Edward Cooke Family Law Director Lauren Guy, who heads our Brighton office, has been appointed to the Dispute Resolution committee of Resolution, the nationwide community of family justice professionals.
Leading innovation in process and practice, the Dispute Resolution Committee works across all areas of family dispute resolution.
It promotes and facilitates the practice of out-of-court dispute resolution to practitioners, the public and stakeholders and influences policy across the sector, ensuring it meets both practitioners’ and clients’ needs.
Edward Cooke Family Law Managing Director Edward Cooke said: “Lauren is devoted to helping clients find constructive ways to resolve family law issues, so her new appointment is very well deserved.
She is a dedicated and passionate advocate of non-court resolution methods such as mediation and collaborative law, in line with our firm’s commitment to help clients find child-focused solutions, where possible without needing to involve court.
I know Lauren will be a fantastic asset to the committee as it continues to promote the development of constructive dispute resolution nationwide across the family law sector.
We’re all very proud of her new appointment.”
Find out more about Resolution’s Dispute Resolution Committee and Lauren’s work.