Edward Cooke Family Mediation is a dedicated family mediation service based in West Sussex, East Sussex and Hampshire. We have discreet and comfortable mediation rooms at Chilgrove, near Chichester,  Brighton & Hove and Petersfield. We also offer mediation services online via Zoom and other platforms.

You can learn more about our Mediation services below, and by exploring our Family Mediation Flow Chart which sets out the different types of mediation at-a-glance.

About Family Mediation

When a relationship breaks down, Family Mediation is an excellent way to resolve all of the issues that arise in a safe and neutral environment - and in a much more cost-effective way than an adversarial court process.

This is a robust and rigorous process. Where financial issues are discussed, in most cases the same financial information (“financial disclosure”) will be provided as in any other process, including the court process.

Very often, mediation will take place without lawyers needing to attend meetings with their clients (lawyers in these circumstances advise between sessions), however in more complex cases (or in situations of higher conflict), we offer "Hybrid Mediation". This process enables each person to attend the mediation sessions with their lawyers and is an excellent process for people facing more complex situations.

The mediator’s role

Each person in the mediation is advised to seek independent legal advice as the mediator is impartial and cannot give legal advice. He or she can assist in a number of ways, however, including the provision of legal information, and by managing the process of financial disclosure, exploring options for settlement, reality testing these options and providing final documentation upon which an agreement can be drawn up.

  • Mediation FAQs
    Mediation enables a couple to reach their own solutions in the event of relationship breakdown.
  • MIAMs
    Edward Cooke Family Mediation offers Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMs) in its offices close to Chichester, West Sussex and Petersfield, Hampshire.
  • Child Inclusive Mediation
    Edward Cooke is qualified to meet with children in the mediation process.
  • Hybrid Mediation
    Hybrid mediation is an excellent alternative for couples seeking to resolve issues arising out of their separation or divorce with support from their solicitors, but without having to go through the court system.

Get in touch

We are here to help.

We offer meetings in our offices or online to suit you. To make an initial appointment please click here and complete the contact form, or if you would rather speak to a member of our friendly team directly please call 01243 769001.

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